Led by the visionary Artistic Director, Alain Sinandja, The Arts FOR ALL dance company is dedicated to fostering artistic and cultural exchange while nurturing relationships between communities. Since its establishment in 2015 in Africa, the company has been actively organizing workshops on African traditional dance. In 2017, Now based in Japan, the company collaborating ,creating contemporary dance creation and festival happening every two years name HAPPY AFRICAN FESTIVAL since 2018.

The goal of the event is to keep promoting Africa and Asia culture.Also keep this strong relationship with Nagata community and in touch with everyone who support the festival since 2018 by collaborating with different community from different part of Japan.Read More

  • Date: 2030/12/15 11:00
  • Location: Hyogo, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan (Map)
  • More Info: 7 Chome-1-18 Futabacho, Nagata Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 653-0042

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ARTS FOR ALL dance company throw his Artistic director ,saying thank you so much for your support and help to keep organizing dance events.For the 3 edition we are inviting you again this year for the international HAPPY AFRICAN FESTIVAL to enjoy and exchange your happiness and energy with us ,this year 2023 the festival is making a new challenger who is introducing this time contemporary dance program by inviting international Artists.we are looking forward having you with us during the festival.

The "Happy African Festival" is a project of "ARTS FOR ALL dance company". The first time the festival was named “African Contemporary Night” held in 2018 with the aim of spreading African culture and deepening cultural exchange between Togo and Japan. After very wonderful experience and seeing how much Kobe people was interested in knowing more about Africa,we decided to make the festival happening every two years .2019 was the 1st edition renamed as HAPPY AFRICAN FESTIVAL held in Happy house Rokken according to the concept of the festival which is interaction between communities. This project is a platform for cultural exchange, a place for African artists living in Japan to disseminate their art, discover Japanese communities, and create connections with people living in Kobe city . It also plays a role as a small "Africa" ​​within Japan by disseminating the diverse cultures of African countries. The 2023 the 2e edition and future “Happy African Festival” aims to deliver a richer cultural exchange between Japanese and Africans, develop traditional dance styles, and convey contemporary works.For this year 2023 the festival has new challenges by opening a new program who is contemporary dance by inviting African but also Japanese contemporary artist.Read More

  • Date: 2023/11/19 11:00
  • Location: Japan, 〒653-0041 Hyogo, Kobe, Nagata Ward, Kubochō, 6 Chome−1−1 4f (Map)
  • More Info: 4 floor

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  • Date: 2022/09/25 17:00
  • Location: Shizuoka, Préfecture de Shizuoka, Japon (Map)

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  • Date: 2022/10/01 00:00
  • Location: Gakuentoshi Station, 1 Chome-13 Gakuen Nishimachi, Nishi-ku, Kobe, Préfecture de Hyōgo, Japon (Map)

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  • Date: 2022/05/14 16:46

Do you want to write an article about the Arts For All COMPANY?/make photo shooting? Or/promo movie? contact us

Do you want to write an article about the Arts For All COMPANY?/make photo shooting? Or/promo movie? contact us


The company is very open for any kind of collaboration and production in social ,cultural and community activities.

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The company affected by the COVID19 as every dance company didn't stop activities but start outside dance workshops and performance supported by Kobe news paper and Kobe city.

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outside activities

outside activities




The international traditional African dance festival known as Happy African Traditional Festival is a project carried by the dance company Arts For All by the Togolese dancer-choreographer Sinandja Dakonyeme more known under the name Alain Sinandja. Arts For All, NPO dance company born in 2015 in Togo (Africa), has been focusing on the diffusion and the promotion of African traditional and contemporary dances. The Happy African Traditional Festival (HAF) was born in Japan under the name African Contemporary Night, supported by the Art Theater Dance Box in Kobe. It happened in the aim of promoting African culture and creating a strong relationship through the cultural exchange between Togo and Japan. HATF is a platform for cultural exchanges, a place and time where African artists living in Japan have an opportunity to get together and create an atmosphere of joy, love and discovery for the entire Japanese community and also to create a certain union with people in Kansai region. This cultural meeting is not limited only to the artistic performances. It is the moment of discovery of different exhibitions of African accessories such as musical instruments, fabrics and also the gastronomy of African dishes and drinks. It is also the moment where all African artists living in Japan come together to form one Africa in order to show more of the different countries of Africa. The plurality of our culture, also to get to know more about Japanese culture, various similar cultures between African countries: West Africa, East Africa, North Africa, South Africa and Central Africa. The objective this year 2021, and the years to come, for the Happy African Traditional Festival is to give more solid and stronger exchanges to all artists and enthusiasts of African culture living in Japan and abroad to develop a very high level in terms of cultural exchange, different styles of traditional dance. Promote African traditional dance and higher choreographic production from different groups . Le festival international de danse traditionnelle d’Afrique connu sous le nom de HAPPY AFRICAN FESTIVAL est un projet porté par la compagnie Arts For All par le danseur-Choreographe Togolais SINANDJA DAKONYEME, mais beaucoup connu sous l’artiste Alain Sinandja. La compagnie Arts For All, à but non lucratif née au Togo (Afrique) en 2015, prône la diffusion et la promotion des danses traditionnelles et contemporaines africaines, d'où la naissance de African Contemporary Night devenu aujourd’hui Happy African Festival (HAF) en 2018, dans le but de promouvoir la culture africaine et faire naître une forte relation d'échange culturelle entre le Togo et le Japon. En effet, HAF est une plate-forme d'échanges culturels, un lieu et un moment où les artistes africains vivant sur le sol japonais se réunissent pour créer un atmosphère de joie, d'amour et de découverte à toute la communauté japonaise et aussi créer une certaine union avec les habitants de la région de Kansai. Cette rencontre culturelle ne se limite pas uniquement que sur les prestations artistiques. Cela serait le moment de découvrir de différentes expositions d'accessoires africain comme des instruments de musique, des tissus et aussi la gastronomie des plats et boissons africaines, en même temps où ces artistes africains se réunissent pour former une seule Afrique dans le but de faire découvrir les différents pays d’Afrique et la pluralité de nos cultures. En plus, cela permettrait de mieux connaître les artistes japonais avec leurs diverses cultures et de montrer nos similitudes culturelles entre tous les pays africains : Nord, Sud, Ouest, Est et Centre. L'objectif de cette année 2021 et des années à venir pour Happy African Traditional Festival est de donner des échanges plus solides et plus pointues à tous les artistes et passionnés de la culture africaines vivant au Japon et à l'étranger, de développer un très haut niveau en termes d'échange de la culture, de différentes styles de la danse traditionnelle et de favoriser la danse traditionnelle africaine et une production chorégraphique plus élevée des différents groupes . Pour atteindre ces objectifs, la compagnie Arts For All lance un échange culturel international qui aura lieu au Togo avant la date exacte du Festival au Japon.

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ARTS FOR ALL DANCE COMPANY inviting you to AFRIKA MEET KANSAI FESTIVAL 2022. the company will present Afro-contemporary dance performance Name "KEEP RUNNING " the work is expressing the difficulty facing simnce the Covi19 and how is affecting ,changing and transforming ours life.It expressing also the fusion of two different culture with different reality.

  • Date: 2022/09/18 13:00
  • Location: Kobe, Préfecture de Hyōgo, Japon (Map)

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『HAPPY アフリカンフェスティバル2021〜2Days〜』 新長田の街を丸々2日間アフリカに染める?! 2018年から「HAPPY アフリカンフェスティバル」と題して、アフリカンダンスや音楽を通して、アフリカ文化を楽しんで頂く企画をしている、カンパニー「 Arts For All(アーツ・フォー・オール)」。 西アフリカ・トーゴ出身のダンサー・アランを中心に、トーゴと日本をアートで繋ぐプロジェクト。 アフリカンダンスあり! フードあり! 展示あり! 老若男女どなたでも。 皆で歌って踊って、食べて飲んで、色鮮やかなアフリカの世界を堪能せよ! ☆チケット購入はこちら http://haf2021.peatix.com/ (オンラインチケットの購入orチケットの取り置き申込をお願いします) ーーー 『HAPPY アフリカンフェスティバル』 ▼日時 2021年11月20日(土)~ 21日(日) ※開催時間、場所、内容が異なりますのでご確認ください。 ▼1日目  2021年11月20日(土) 10:00~16:00 料金:無料 会場 ①r3 室内&店舗前 (神戸市長田区庄田町3丁目5−10)  ②はっぴーの家ろっけん 駐車場 (神戸市長田区二葉町1丁目1−8)  2つの会場間は徒歩約5分、出入り・行き来は自由です。 ・マルシェ 10:00~16:00 ※追記希望!! ざっくりでいいからマルシェの内容書いてほしい! アフリカンフード、雑貨、お菓子、など ・ミニパフォーマンス  12:00~12:30 r3 室内&店舗前 15:00~15:30 はっぴーの家ろっけん 駐車場  ▼2日目 11月21日(日) 10:00~19:00  2部入替制 料金: 大人 3,500円 こども(3〜15歳)500円 会場:Art Theater dB KOBE (神戸市長田区久保町6丁目1−1 アスタくにづか4番館4F) ・パフォーマンス&マルシェ 昼の部 マルシェ 10:00~14:00 パフォーマンス 11:00~13:00 夜の部 マルシェ 15:00~19:00  パフォーマンス 16:00~18:00 ▼チケット購入方法 ①オンラインでのチケット購入 http://haf2021.peatix.com/ ②電話でのチケット購入 NPO法人ダンスボックス TEL:078-646-7044 ▼パフォーマー紹介 ①Doni Doni-ドゥニ ドゥニ- 2007年6月、西アフリカはギニア共和国のマリンケ族の村に伝わる、伝統音楽や祭り、文化を日本で再現したいという思いのメンバーが集まり結成。 ドゥニドゥニとは、マリンケ族の言葉で「ゆっくりゆっくり」 と言う意味。 年をとってもみんなでいい音楽を作っていこう、ゆっくり成長していこうという思いが込められています。 演奏者と観客という垣根を取り払い、そこに集まったすべての人たちで、ひとつの大きな 音の「輪」と「和」を作ることを目標としています。 ②Burkina Faso .from hemeji and osaka 西アフリカ・ブルキナファソ出身の伝統音楽家、ベノワ・ミロゴと、東アフリカ・ケニアで8年間音楽修行を積んだ、オオニシマサヤによる、東西アフリカの文化が出会って生まれた新感覚アフリカンユニット”バランゴマ” アフリカの太陽と大地の鼓動を体いっぱいに感じて心躍るリズムとメロディーに身を委ねてみよう! そう、音楽が僕らの心の薬。 ③Arts For All 2015年、アラン・シナンジャ(本名シナンジャ・ダコイエンメ)がアフリカ・トーゴで設立。2018年日本で再始動。 アフリカ文化と西アフリカの伝統ダンス/コンテンポラリー・ダンスを伝える。これまでアフリカ、アメリカ、日本などでワークショップや国際交流を行う。 現在日本を拠点に、トーゴと日本の架け橋となり、国際交流・文化相互理解に向けて様々な活動を行っている。 メンバー:アラン・シナンジャ(アーティスティック・ディレクター)、遠藤僚之介(ダンサー)、川崎 芳勲(写真家・映像作家)、久松夕香(照明デザイナー) https://www.sinandja2005.com ▼お問い合わせ ①ハッピーアフリカンフェスティバル実行委員会 E-mail africancontemporaryfestival@gmail.com ②NPO法人ダンスボックス TEL:078-646-7044Read More

  • Date: 2021/11/20 10:00 - 2021/11/21 20:00
  • Location: Japon, 〒653-0041 Préfecture de HyōgoKobe, Nagata Ward, Kubochō, 6 Chome−1−1 アスタくにづか4番館 (Map)
  • More Info: 4FLOOR

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  • Date: 2021/08/18 20:00

Come and discover my new work in collaboration with Japanese drummer

this work is base on the actual reality of human being and the way to over come to this situation without forgetting doing what we love :our ARTS,JOB, SERVICE etc...Read More

  • Date: 2021/07/16 18:30
  • Location: 7 Chome-2-1 Minatojima Nakamachi, Chuo Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 650-0046, Japon (Map)

Thanks you to all people who came support this festival and all the company who trust and joined the Festival.Event with the bad weather you all took risque coming for the Festival.the company ARTS FOR ALL with Dance box kobe saying big thank you

The event Happy African Contemporary Festival was born in 2018 created by the company Arts For All founded by Alain Sinandja from Togo in West Africa.This Festival happed to promoted African culture and African contemporary dance.Residing in Japan ,the company AFA realized by working with Kobe city people the important of sharing and exchanging about our originality culture .Then come the idea of creating dance event who will in first position bring all African people living in Japan to meet together on one stage and second position to make discover more African culture to Japanese people ,also give opportunity the some Japanese dance company to share their Arts. But this time the festival was canceled online and to open publique duet to very strong Typhoon.Only people living in the Kobe city was able to attend.With all the Staff of the festival we decided to keep the program and it went well.Read More

  • Date: 2018/07/07 19:30
  • Location: dance box kobe (Map)
  • More Info: floor 4

Founded by SINANDJA DAKONYEME more known under Alain Sinandja in Togo in 2015 in the way to promotion Africa culture specially west African traditional and contemporary dance in general.The company offered workshops and exchange in Togo but also in some west African country like Benin,,Ivory coast ,also international like USA and Japan.Residence now in Japan the company putting relationship between Togo and Japan to create more opportunity to both country to known more about Asian and African culture, raison why the founder of the company Alain Sinandja Created Festival name HAPPY AFRICAN FESTIVAL since 2018 happening every years in Japan.This time the company leading this International Traditional workshop invites artistes and friends Japanese in Togo ( West Africa), to discover and exchange with African culture. Company Arts For All / Lome 、Togo 2015 年にトーゴ出身AlainSinandja/SINANDJADAKONYEMEによって設立され、アフリカ文化、特に西アフリカの伝統的および現代的なダンス全般を広める活動をしています。同社はトーゴだけでなく、ベニン、コートジボワールなどの西アフリカの国でもワークショップと交流を実施してきました。 ベニンやコートジボワールなどの国は、アメリカや日本のように国際的です。現在日本に設立しているわが社は、トーゴと日本の友好関係を築き、アジアとアフリカの文化についてもっと知る機会を両国に提供してきました。 2018年から毎年日本で開催されているアフリカンフェスティバル。今回、この国際伝統ワークショップを開催し、トーゴ(西アフリカ)の日本人アーティストや友人を招待し、皆様にアフリカの文化を発見してもらい、交流します

The Objectives: Organise a quality workshop with dance teachers whose skills are known, Opportunity to discover new traditional dance offered by the guest teachers from Togo, Benin and Ivory coast.Connecting with the special energy of African traditional dances.Discovering others' culture in order to understand their own culture. Taste the original Togo foods and species like Akoume, Mougili sabe. The adventure of this workshop is not only summarized on the dance but on important discoveries which relates the history of Togo while passing by the atmosphere and the joy which manifests itself on the big market of LOME with the sale of the loincloths of any quality and any color without forgetting the market of fetishes and an inspiration of the nature which manifests itself by the cascade of kpime .It's an adventure which is not told but which lives. 目的: ●スキルが認められているダンス教師による質の高いワークショップを開催します。 ●トーゴ、ベニング、コートジボワールのゲスト教師が提供する新しい伝統舞踊を発見する機会です。 ●アフリカの伝統舞踊の特別なエネルギーと繋がることができます。 ●自分の文化を理解するために他人の文化を発見してください。 ●アクメ、ムギルサブなどの、トーゴの数々の伝統的料理を楽しんでください。 コースの費用。 ❖コース費用は以下を含めて16万円です。このワークショップの冒険はダンスだけではなく、トーゴの歴史を雰囲気やロメの大きな市場で、あらゆる品質と色のふんどしが売られ、フェティッシュな市場やクパライムの滝に現れた自然のインスピレーションを忘れずに販売されている喜びを通して、重要な発見があります。 それは語られることのない、生きている冒険なのです。 ★宿泊:2500円/日/ 14日= 35.000円 ★ケータリング(食品):3000円/日/ 14日= 70.000円 ★ダンスワークショップは25時間2000円/時間= 50000円。Read More

  • Date: 2021/08/18 09:00
  • Location: Lomé, Togo (Map)

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SINANDJA Alain Dakonyeme

Artistic director

SINANDJA Dakonyéme is better known under Alain SINANDJA, Togo contemporary artist and dancer, residing in Japan.He's diploma in African traditional and contemporary dance and graduated in 2018 Japan. Artistic director and founder of Arts For All dance company. In order to improve his Arts, he followed a number of professional dance courses in Africa and abroad , such as Germaine Acogny;Nora CHIPAUMIRE; Patrick Acogny ; Alesandra Seutin ; Patrik Widrig to name only those.In his practice, he's curious to know how the body creates and transfers information and secrets into a movement that builds up the body’s own vocabulary.Also putting his interests in origin of traditional dances African like Asian.Recently researching on Japanese community traditional dance BON-ODORI;to find the different but also the similarity to African community dance like #KAMU#.He made contemporary dance creation in Japan named * Who is Behind *PART 1- 2- 3 including 18 persons from the community he lives in Japan and opera singers included . Alain Sinandja is also the producer of a dance festival happening each two years named < Happy African Festival>(HAF) . Joined Yokohama dance competition 2019 with Yu Shimomura where they won 1 prize and also performed in Hongkong. Same year , joined Yamazaki Kota project Darkness Part 3 in New York .Oka Toshiko in “Green Table “and “Silence off innocence”.Recently He was committed to make new contemporary dance creation off 1 hour by XEBEC HALL KOBE.Loving teaching African traditional and contemporary dance he since 3 years now teaching at Dance box Kobe to professional dancers. アラン・シナンジャ 本名シナンジャ・ダコネム。日本在住のトーゴ出身のダンサー/ 振付家。GERMAINE ACOGNYが設立したセネガルのダンス学校「ECOLE DES SABLES」で、伝統的なアフリカンダンスとコンテンポラリーダンスを学ぶ。2015年自身のダンスカンパニー「ARTS FOR ALL」設立、2018年より日本でダンス・フェスティバル「Happy African Contemporary Dance Festival (HACDF)」を開催する。日本に住みながら、NPO法人Dance box や日本のアーティストや音楽家、振付家・山崎広太氏などとコラボレーションしながら、自身の創作活動に取り組む。また、ダンス講師として、神戸、大阪、東京などでワークショップを開催。現在、神戸市主催「STAY HOMEプロジェクト」で作品のオンライン配信の企画にも参加。

Yoshihiro Kawasaki

Photographer& Filmmaker

Yoshihiro Kawasaki Photographer/Filmmaker I was born in Yokohama. And now I’m working as photographer, Filmmaker and speaker based in Kobe, Japan. My major at university was international politics and geopolitics. In my undergraduate days, I traveled many countries. Throughout traveling, I was completely attracted to see the lifestyle of people in each country. Gradually, I started to take pictures of people’s profile or their emotion itself. Then 2014-2016, I was in Uganda as JICA volunteer. This experience gave me big hints how to record the way of life of people. My project in Uganda was to improve income for local farmers. In 2 years, I faced many touched moments which taught me the meaning of life and dignity. It was great opportunity to rethink my life and lead me the path to original way. And now I’m chasing people’s inner conflicts through my own project “Passion on the Border” Instagram:hiro_kawasaki0610 Youtube:Passion Walker ============== 川崎芳勲 Yoshihiro Kawasaki ■写真家/映像作家 ■1990年生まれ。 ■兵庫県神戸市在住。 《略歴》 2013 関西学院大法学部政治学科卒。 2014 青年海外協力隊としてウガンダへ。 2017 帰国後、民間企業に就職。 2018 写真家として独立。 《今までとこれから》 20歳で初めて海外(フィリピン)へ赴き、以来カメラ片手に旅して歩く。2013年、初めて買った一眼レフを手にバングラデシュを訪問し、「人を撮る」ことに夢中になる。そして、ウガンダ滞在中の2年間で写真を撮る素晴らしさ、人の物語に触れる楽しさを再確認し、民間企業勤務を経て、独立する決意を決める。これまでに訪問した国は56か国。現在は関西を拠点に写真撮影や映像制作を行い、「撮る・書く・話す」の仕事を精力的に行う。頻繁に海外での取材旅も行い、世界各国で出会った情熱、人間の美しさに焦点を当てた撮影をし、国内でフォトエッセイ展を定期的に開催する。ここ最近のテーマは『Passion on the Border(境界線上の情熱)』。様々な境界線の上に生きる人間の情熱や葛藤を語り手として追っている。

  • 653-0038 神戸市長田区若松町10-1-1エクセル若松402
Do you want to write an article about the Arts For All COMPANY?/make photo shooting? Or/promo movie? contact us

Do you want to write an article about the Arts For All COMPANY?/make photo shooting? Or/promo movie? contact us


The company is very open for any kind of collaboration and production in social ,cultural and community activities.

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